Saturday, October 22, 2011

Animal Hood Patten

Located below are the patterns for creating your own animal hood. Personalize yours by adding whatever ears, spikes, etc. that you like.  Use my tutorial found on Threadbanger to put the pattern pieces together and complete the project.

When printing chose ‘fit to page’ or ‘none’ on scaling so they will print properly. 

**These patterns were created for personal use and gift giving only! Please do not sell items made using my Whitney Sews template and tutorial.**


  1. I tried finding the video...but couldn't.

  2. Oh so sweet! Great last minute costume I can stitch together. Thanks.

  3. whitney,

    my sons school will have an event and needs donations. I was wondering if i could use your pattern and sell the hoodies. I would be making 20 hoodies. how would i pay you for i guess permission. ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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